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GK - маркетплейс спільнот

4.6 ( 9536 ratings )

Project, community marketplace.
Download and install this application. You will be able to buy goods and services that we produce or provide.
You can also join one of our clubs/clusters, help in production or offer your idea and then the product or service will appear here in the application.
This marketplace is accompanied by a Telegram chat, the link to which you will receive after installation.
We are doing this format for the first time, it is not dropshipping or something similar.
People united in a shimmering community, love what they create, create what they love, happily share surpluses.
Our idea is to create an environment for giving and sharing, so your purchase can ultimately lead you to just that.
With the mobile application you can:
- easy to choose goods and services
- be the first to learn about community news
- receive discounts and gifts